Poster Exhibition

We will organize an onsite poster exhibition at the congress venue. Onsite posters should preferably be edited in portrait format to fit with the poster boards in the congress center and the print outs should not be larger than format A0. Should authors opt to design their poster in landscape format, we will accept it, too.

We will also offer to publish eposters at our virtual platform. eposters must be submitted as a pdf file and can be either in landscape or portrait format.

Accepted onsite posters can remain on display from October 23, 12.00 to October 25, 17.00.

Please note that only presenting authors are stated in the final program due to space restrictions. All authors will be named in the printed abstracts.

Poster Prize

  • WASAD will award the three best posters with a poster prize
  • A poster prize has a value of EUR 250
  • All submitted onsite and eposters are evaluated by independent reviewers
  • The posters will be evaluated in terms of “overall presentation”, “scientific value and originality” and “relevance of the topic for the field of stress and anxiety disorders”
  • The winners will be formally announced during the closing ceremony on October 25, 2025